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Our Sectors

Financial Services

canary wharf at night

Our teams in Brussels and Dublin work closely with clients on anticipating critical legislative developments in the financial services sector, offering businesses in-depth insight into the European policymaking environment.

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Retail and Consumer Services

Vulcan’s team works with clients from the consumer services sector that include manufacturers, SMEs and multinational retail outlets.

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Bio-Pharmaceutical and Healthcare

Our policy experts in Brussels and Dublin bring diverse and deep experience to help clients engage with legislative and regulatory developments.

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Energy and Renewables

Energy policy and action to address climate change are the key issues of our day, encompassing forestry, renewable fuels, environmental conservation and recycling.

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Transport and Mobility

airplane being loaded with mail and packages

Spurred by the EU Green Deal and global ambitions of tackling climate change, the transport and mobility sector is set to undergo its greatest transformation on a century.

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Digital and Technology Infrastructure

artificial intelligence concept

In an industry where innovation poses both an opportunity and a threat, Vulcan helps technology and communication companies to compete and thrive.

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Security and Defence

dangerous hacker writing a malware to hack a network

As the European Union continues to grow as a global security actor or regulator of the digital sphere, Vulcan assists clients in navigating the complex web of regulations.

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An ever more competitive and crowded sector, our clients benefit from Vulcan’s strategic advice and policy monitoring to maximise the opportunities for their businesses.

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International Trade

containers in international shipping dock

With a market of almost 450m consumers, the EU’s Single Market is a crucial trading partner for countries around the globe.

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canary wharf at night
Financial Services

Once a rigid and established industry, the Financial Services industry of the 21st century remains in a constant state of flux. Today’s decisions on financial services are increasingly driven by external forces such as digitalisation, climate change and access to data.

In light of the EU’s long-term political objectives, current policy debates on data, sustainable finance and deepening the Capital Markets Union are set to remain at the forefront of policy makers’ mind for years to come. 

Our teams in Brussels and Dublin work closely with clients on anticipating critical legislative developments in the financial services sector, offering businesses in-depth insight into the European policymaking environment and regulatory framework and developing clear and innovative solutions to respond to emerging regulatory challenges. 

We provide expertise on early stage policy engagement, which serves to guide clients through regulatory compliance across the insurance, banking, asset management and fin-tech sectors.

We also engage in bespoke political and regulatory risk monitoring on behalf of financial services firms in Dublin and with the EU institutions in Brussels. 

Retail and Consumer Services

The retail sector has seen a dramatic transformation in recent years driven by environmental, economic, technological and consumer transformation.

Vulcan’s team works with clients from the consumer services sector that include manufacturers, SMEs and multinational retail outlets on a range of policies such as gaming, food and drink, packaging, transport and logistics, and customs.

Our team of professionals has specialist knowledge and experience in the retail and consumer services sector, and works with clients to develop advocacy campaigns to inform and influence policymaking both across Europe and domestically on issues ranging from cybersecurity and data protection to the protection of children.

We track policy issues, offer expertise, map and engage stakeholders, and devise strategies for clients to successfully advocate on issues at the local and European level.

By anticipating the rapid changes in customer shopping habits and retail technologies, we help clients develop and implement customised solutions, ultimately improving their competitiveness and profitable growth.

For further information, contact: Ann Kelly at [email protected]

Bio-Pharmaceutical and Healthcare

Spanning public health, bio-pharmaceutical, medical devices and health insurance, the healthcare sector remains one of the most tight-regulated, diverse, and emotive policy sectors. In addition, the increasing digitalisation of the healthcare industry is set to further encourage policy makers to legislate the industry.

Although still predominantly an exclusive competency of national governments, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and increasing calls for an EU Health Union, healthcare has become the focal point of national and EU policy makers.

Our policy experts in Brussels and Dublin bring diverse and deep experience to help our bio-pharmaceutical and healthcare clients engage with legislative and regulatory developments.

We assist clients in developing holistic public affairs strategies and solutions to address an evolving marketplace by leveraging our in-depth understanding of the policy making and legislative process.

Through understanding the current political environment, providing insight into policy changes and engaging with stakeholders, Vulcan is expertly equipped to provide healthcare companies devise effective government affairs strategies.

For further information, contact: Nancy O’Neill at [email protected]

Energy and Renewables

Energy policy and action to address climate change are the key issues of our day, encompassing forestry, renewable fuels, environmental conservation and recycling. The regulatory environment and political atmosphere is constantly evolving in this area, with proposals such as the Renewable Energy Directive affecting production industries and energy providers alike. Vulcan has extensive experience in this sector, coordinating holistic public affairs campaigns for a number of players in the sector.  

We help clients navigate legislative changes and monitor impending regulatory developments across the EU. We develop strategic plans for our companies, engage stakeholders, and monitor risks to help clients keep one step ahead, with the ultimate goal of improving environmental outcomes in partnership with our clients and stakeholders.

For further information, contact: Pascal Koenig at [email protected]

airplane being loaded with mail and packages
Transport and Mobility

The modern transport sector is changing constantly in order to adapt to shifting consumer demands, economic fluctuations and rapidly developing technology.

Spurred on by the EU’s Green Deal objective for carbon neutrality by 2050, the EU’s powerful transport and mobility sector will see itself exposed to huge political pressures to rapidly reduce its carbon footprint and invest in zero-emissions technologies.

At the same time, the industry will see itself exposed to further legislative pressures as policy makers seek to regulate everything from access to vehicle data, infrastructure-to-vehicle interfaces, and our expert team has the knowledge and experience to advise industry players on how to meet these challenges. Using our broad network of contacts with policy makers across the EU, we help clients understand the regulatory landscape of the transport and mobility sector. Vulcan engages constructively with public officials and private stakeholders to impact and shape transport regulation for the future.

Our experience in this field includes advising on both national and pan-European capital transport infrastructure projects such as TEN-T, the promotion of micro-mobility solutions, as well as zero-emissions vehicles and their respective infrastructure developments. Through our funding experts, have can also support our clients in securing major infrastructure funding opportunities in this sector.

For further information, contact: Pascal Koenig at [email protected]

artificial intelligence concept
Digital and Technology Infrastructure

Over the past decades, the technology and communications sector has seen unprecedented growth in innovation and product development. This has brought challenges for policy makers in terms of cybersecurity, data protection and privacy.

In an industry where innovation poses both an opportunity and a threat, Vulcan helps technology and communication companies to compete and thrive. As legislation and regulation rapidly evolves, clients need expert advice and relevant insights to understand the political environment and keep abreast of potential and current regulatory changes. 

Our team at Vulcan is exceptionally well placed to assist companies in outlining their goals and strategies to influence European and domestic policymakers in the age of digital disruption.

We effectively engage with stakeholders and encourage policymakers to think ahead to keep pace with changes in the technology sector. In particular, we have experience working with clients on the EU digital agenda and the digital single market.

For further information, contact: Ian Fahey at [email protected]

dangerous hacker writing a malware to hack a network
Security and Defence

Not least since the Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine, Europe’s security and defence compass has been rapidly adapting in recent years. In the 2020, the European Union, for the first time, established the possibility of weapons shipments under the European Peace Facility – now a stalwart in its assistance to Ukraine.

Meanwhile, both the European  Union and its member states have been instrumental in regulating to fighting disinformation, extremist and illegal content online over recent years.

As Europe continues to find its geo-political voice in responding to the ever-growing global security challenges, our team stands ready to assist companies in understanding how to navigate the complex web of international law, regulations, black lists and sanctions.

Vulcan develops strategic plans for businesses, helping companies engage stakeholders, influence policy and understand regulatory developments.

For further information, contact: Lucinda Creighton at [email protected]


In recent years, the property sector has experienced rapid changes. Challenged by the chronic building shortages and rising construction costs, the property sector is also called upon to significant contribute to achieving Europe’s climate ambitions via new construction methods to enhance the building stock’s energy efficiency.


Our team at Vulcan includes experts in the area of commercial and residential property. An ever more competitive and crowded sector, our clients benefit from Vulcan’s strategic advice and policy monitoring to maximise the opportunities for their businesses.


We provide insights into domestic legislative developments and market opportunities, as well as how and European regulatory changes may impact your operational business. We work with clients to develop practical solutions that can deliver repeatable and sustainable public policy results.

For further information, contact: Nancy O’Neill at [email protected]

containers in international shipping dock
International Trade

As one of the world’s biggest single markets with no tariffs between member countries, it makes life easier for over 450 million European consumers and facilitates trade between businesses, including around 22 million small and medium sized enterprises. It also fuels growth, inspires innovation and creates jobs.

This has made the European Union a crucial trading partner as it represents all 27 member states in trade negotiations with international partners such as the U.S. and China.

Yet, despite the EU’s general commitment to open trading, both companies and entire industries from abroad may face difficulties when accessing the EU’s market.

Vulcan’s team has extensive experience working on trade negotiations and guiding companies through transatlantic trade challenges. We can provide clients with a broad range of services, ranging from Regulatory and Policy Monitoring to Strategic Planning and Regulatory Affairs Engagement.

For further information, contact: Pascal Koenig at

[email protected]