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EU launches new action plan to protect hospitals from cyberattacks

The new European Action Plan on the Cybersecurity of Hospitals and Healthcare Providers was unveiled on 15 January. The initiative, driven by the European Commission, comes in response to a series of cyberattacks targeting hospitals in countries like Ireland, France, the UK, and Finland, highlighting vulnerabilities in this area. The plan was brought forward a week due to the delay of President von der Leyen’s Competitiveness Compass. 

The new action plan aims to bolster the cybersecurity of hospitals and healthcare providers by creating a safer and more secure environment. This will be done through enhancing threat detection, preparedness, and response capabilities of hospitals and healthcare providers. 

A pan-European Cybersecurity Support Centre for hospitals and healthcare providers will be established to provide training, services, and tailored guidance. The action plan will focus on the following four priorities:

  • Enhanced Prevention: The plan will aid the healthcare sector in preventing cybersecurity incidents through enhanced preparedness measures. Cybersecurity Vouchers may also be introduced by Member States to provide financial assistance to small and medium-sized hospitals and healthcare providers. 
  • Better detection and identification of threats: By 2026, the support centre will develop an EU-wide early warning service.
  • Response to Cyberattacks to minimise impact: The plan proposes a rapid response service under the EU Cybersecurity Reserve. This will provide incident response services from trusted service providers. 
  • Deterrence, protecting European healthcare systems: this will involve the use of the Cyber Diplomacy Toolbox – a joint EU diplomatic response to malicious cyber activities. 

The plan’s specific actions will be progressively rolled out in 2025 and 2026. The Commission will also soon launch a public consultation, open to all citizens and stakeholders.

The European Action Plan on the Cybersecurity of Hospitals and Healthcare Providers represents a step toward safeguarding the healthcare sector against emerging cyber threats. The European Commission’s proposal for a more unified and standardised approach to cybersecurity is essential, as cyber threats are inherently cross-border, with one breach potentially impacting multiple countries and healthcare systems. A coordinated, EU-wide strategy will improve resilience in all member states. Preventative measures will be particularly critical, as they are the most cost-effective and least disruptive means of mitigating cybersecurity risks.

However, challenges such as securing funding and resources, as well as ensuring effective implementation may arise. Close coordination will be needed between national governments, local authorities, healthcare providers, and cybersecurity service providers. The plan highlights the European Commission’s continued efforts to maintain sovereignty in the face of global threats.


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